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Runcard Reference

Runcards are simple text files that are read by Sartre in the initialization step. Each line contains a variable that controls how Sartre is setup but it also contains variables you can (but not have to) use to control things like the number of events to process. Each variable has its equivalent in the corresponding Settings classes, that is class EventGeneratorSettings for the event generator and class TableGeneratorSettings for running sartre in table generator mode. Every variable can be set via methods in these classes (programmatically) or via runcard. See here for more details.

Comments start with a # or //. Blank lines are ignored.

Variable name and value are separated by a "=" (name = value) . Alternatively ":" can be used as well.

Boolean values should be set with true/false but yes/no and on/off are also recognized.

Runcard Syntax for Event Generator

eBeamEnergy floating point Electron beam energy in GeV. 10.
hBeamEnergy floating point Hadron (proton or ion) beam energy in GeV. 100.
A integer Hadron beam particle mass (not all nuclei are implemented). 1
vectorMesonId integer Vector meson to generate. Mesons are given using their PDG values. 443
dipoleModel string Dipole model to be used. Can be (bSat, bNonSat, or bCGC). bSat
Q2min floating point Minimum Q2 in GeV2 to generate. If Q2min > Q2max then the max available range is used, either given by kinematics or the range of the available tables. 1000.
Q2max floating point Maximum Q2 (in GeV2) to generate. 0.
Wmin floating point Minimum W (in GeV) to generate. If Wmin > Wmax then the maximum available range is used, either given by kinematics or the range of the available tables. 1000.
Wmax floating point Maximum W (in GeV) to generate. 0.
correctForRealAmplitude boolean Switch corrections for missing real amplitude on or off. true
correctSkewedness boolean Switch skewedness corrections on or off. true
maxLambdaUsedInCorrections floating point Skewedness and real amplitude corrections depend on the log derivative of the amplitude with respect to W2 (or x). At large x or in case of numerical glitches this slope can become unreasonable large. This variable controls the maximum allowed value. For experts only. 0.65
enableNuclearBreakup boolean Enable nuclear breakup. This is off by default since it slows Sartre down substantially. Use only if you truly want to study the breakup products. false
maxNuclearExcitationEnergy floating point Nuclear breakup is performed by the gemini++ model. This model comes to a grinding halt for too large excitation energies. Note that already at moderate excitation energies the nucleus breaks completely up. For experts only. 1.4
applyPhotonFlux boolean Flag to control if the photon flux is applied or not. This should be always on in generator mode. There are a few cases (see example program heraCompare.cpp) when Sartre is used to calculate cross-sections only, where this might be useful. For experts only. true
UPC boolean Flag that controls wether to simulate ultra peripheral collisions (UPC) or not. If true, the photon-flux will be calculated from a hadron with atomic number determined by UPCA. false
UPCA integer The atomic number of the beam-particle which emits the virtual photon. UPCA has no effect when UPC=false. 1
verbose boolean If on prints additionally information during initialization and event processing. Can be fine tuned with verboseLevel. false
verboseLevel integer Level of verbosity, typically 1 or 2. Higher values are for debugging purposes only. If > 0 automatically sets the verbose flag (see above) to true. 0
seed integer Random generator seed. If not set, Sartre will use the current time (time(0)) as seed implying that repeated runs produce different events. current time

The following values are not used by Sartre directly but are meant to be used in your main program to control the run and output. See example program sartreMain.cpp.

numberOfEvents integer Number of events to generate. 10000
timesToShow integer How many times the current status (number of events generated so far) should be printed. 100
rootfile string Name of the file where the user writes his output (typically a root file, hence the name). sartre.root
userInt integer Integer user variable. 0
userDouble floating point User variable of type double. 0
userString string User variable of type string. ""

Runcard Syntax for Table Generator

A integer Atomic number of the nucleus. 1
modesToCalculate integer Switch that determines which modes of the amplitude is calculated.
0: Calculates <A> analytically and <A2> averaged over configurations.
1: Calculates only <A> analytically.
2: Calculates both <A> and <A2> averaged over configurations.
vectorMesonId integer Mesons are given using their PDG values. 443
dipoleModel string Dipole model to be used. Can be (bSat, bNonSat, or bCGC). bSat
bSatLookupPath string Tells the program where to find the table containing the configurations to be averaged over. ./
Q2min floating point Minimum Q2 (in GeV2) in the table. 0.1
Q2max floating point Maximum Q2 (in GeV2) in the table. 100
Wmin floating point Minimum W (in GeV) in the table. 5
Wmax floating point Maximum W (in GeV) in the table. 100
tmin floating point Minimum t (in GeV2) in the table. -2
tmax floating point Maximum t (in GeV2) in the table. 0
Q2bins integer Number of bins in Q2 to be generated. 10
W2bins integer Number of bins in W to be generated. 10
tbins integer Number of bins in t to be generated. 10
numberOfConfigurations integer Number of configurations to average over. 500
rootfile string Base for the names of the 4 (or 2) tables that are generated. "_T", "_T2", "_L", "L2" will be appended respectively as well as ".root". sartre
seed integer Seed for random number generator. 0
useBackupFile boolean If a table generation fails, the result may be saved in backup files with filenames ending with "_backup.<tableId>.<backupBin>.root", where <tableId> is T, T2, L, L2 and <backupBin> is the global bin number at which the table is saved. false
startingBinFromBackup integer The global bin-number from which you want to resume a failed table generation. 0
startBin integer The global bin number from which you want to start generating the table. Ignored if negative. -1
endBin integer The global bin number from which you want to end the table generation. Ignored if negative. -1



Last Update: February 21, 2013